My Garden could be so Wonderful






„My garden could be so wonderful I“


In 2021 I have been dealing with the political and social situation in Agadez, Niger. The photographs were created against this background.
Meanwhile the situation in Niger has changed. The EU regulations where canceld by the military gouverment of Niger.
My work mirrows the situation in 2021.
 In particular, I relate about the EU regulation Law No.: 2015-36, which criminalized transport and assistance for migration to Europe and thus criminalized formerly free traditional actions. It is about the social impact this had on people in different cities in Niger.
 Since 2015, the country has become more and more impoverished because the natural, traditional and occupational opportunities and incomes of the population have been criminalized by EU regulation. Many people had to go to prison as a result. Their income, their things they needed to earn their money, were destroyed by the government.

This photography tells the story of a young man who, like many young people in Agadez, dreams of travelling to Europe.
The view of Europe is mainly influenced by what is heard and seen in the media and has nothing to do with the reality that is experienced by  most people when they arrive in Europe at all. It is the face of a dream of which one does not know whether it is the dreamed dream or already reality.  A young man who has really managed to arrive in Europe, but is fallen between two chairs, namely the chair of his homeland and his new life.






“ My garden could be so wonderful II „

Farmers who were able to live on their income before, have no customers and do not know how to fend for their families.   The European Union had promised to introduce education and has allocated a lot of money to improve training and school education so that the people concerned can take up new trades. But the reality is that education is lacking. Many people cannot read and write and are not able to fill out the applications that where required. This is what the second picture alludes to. The woman with empty bowls, with a net full of books. But she cannot read them.





„My Garden could be so wonderful III“