DIE FREIHEIT DER ANDEREN#####NOT MY FREEDOM. An constantly evolving photography project.
“NOT MY FREEDOM” means to me to realize a situation of injustice, not to accept it and to reach out to new solutions. People(POC), communities have to leave the role of a victim and change their perspective of life and power relations.
People who are affected by racism and post colonialism, need to find a way to improve their circumstances. It means giving you courage to find new ways of common living.
It is my aim to make people think about circumstances wich brings our body and state of mind in a situation, to question not only ourself, but also getting a sensibility for others – with their hopes, needs and also in a wider perception. It invites to realize hidden racial behavour and unjustice in erveryday life. The body, coverd with the tape, is not only to understand as a figure, but also as a space, a room, a storytelling object.
The photographic project started in 2014 and consists from about 15 works. Parts of it where shown in Gallery KONRAD MÖNTER, Gallery #23, Germany and IWAYA COMMUNITY ART FESTIVAL, Lagos, Nigeria.
Potography, Series,